Relationship to Self

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Relationship To Self – A 7-Step Game Plan To Become Your Own Best Friend (2011), is the second book by Mario A. Bayne. In it, he offers this message to young people: be a best friend to yourself first.

Bayne believes that everything else in life stems from this one precept. The choices that we make in life—both good and bad—will be informed by our feelings of our own worth and knowledge of ourselves. The level of friendship with one’s self will help to determine how well you meet the challenges that lie ahead.
By helping to plant the seeds of self-worth and self-awareness in our young people today, the future payoff will be a generation of young people who know that they are capable of achieving anything with the right attitude, belief and hard work. It is something that the author hopes to ingrain in the subconscious of all young people.

The process of life is about coming to trust yourself more and more. This trust increases ones capacity to live in a world of challenges and opportunities. But it all begins with knowing who you are and being a best friend to yourself first.

Read more about the author.

From the book:

“Life is full of challenges and choices. Sometimes the choices we make do not have the outcome we would have wanted. But the more you allow yourself to compromise what you believe in – by letting others sway you from your goal – the more you chip away at your own self-worth.
When you stand firm in your choice, not only will you respect yourself more, your friends will recognize and value this strength in you as well. By being your own best friend first, you will be a better friend to others.”

What people are saying:

“Pretty powerful life changing message Mr. Bayne delivers. I am looking forward to providing some guidance to my young sons with this very straight forward, easy to comprehend philosophy.” –Carlos Zertuche Hotelier, husband and father of two

“On target informative, revealing. Mario Bayne has done it again. His last book, It’s All About Choices for Kids, gave our children something positive to think about: that the decisions made today impact the quality of their lives tomorrow.  In his newest book, Relationship to Self – A 7-Step Game Plan To Become Your Own Best Friend, he presents a very revealing plan for today’s youth to closely examine the things going on currently in their lives and assessing their values. We as adults know how important setting goals and implementing a game plan to successfully achieve them can be. Mario has produced a guide to success that everyone – young and old – who reads the book can follow. Remember, success is within all of us; some choose to take the initiative and discover it early, others might need help finding and developing themselves. However, success is there for the taking – Relationship To Self can be your key. Get your copy and read it today.” –Glenn Finney