In his third book, Life Skills: Understanding & Utilizing the Power of Self, released in April 2019, Mario A. Bayne writes:
“Your mind and spirit can be an asset or liability depending on your understanding and the utilization of your ‘power of self.’ This book will explore that power, which we all have within us—a power that can help us meet the challenges that life throws at us. Through life’s ups and downs, through tough times and good times, tapping into this power will help you build strong relationships with others as you strive to become your most authentic self—and lead you toward your own personal success.”
In Life Skills: Understanding & Utilizing the Power of Self, Bayne writes from the perspective of his own personal experiences as well as through the life experiences of other individuals, of all ages, who have achieved a level of success in their lives. He encourages readers to recognize the impact that their thoughts have on them (both positive and negative), and then harness those thoughts towards positive action.
What readers are saying:
“Mario and I go way back, but it wasn’t until my early 20s that he really became a mentor to me. His recent book, Life Skills: Understanding & Utilizing the Power of Self, has helped me evolve in ways that were extremely necessary in my development. I’ve learned that eliminating negative thoughts and beliefs within myself and exemplifying strength through my behavior, is the first step to success. The ability to bet on myself. No matter what stage you’re at in life, each chapter in this book has a message and life skill that will apply.” —Ryan Milne
“Mr. Bayne does an incredible job blending stories and testimonies from a diverse panel of individuals, making Life Skills a book for everyone. The messages of visualizations, relationship building, and passion are ones that people of all ages, culture, and gender can develop and utilize. Life Skills is a book that allows one to accept and maneuver through life’s challenges toward a rewarding and blissful existence. Congratulations, Mr. B, on another compelling book, and thank you for impacting so many with your writing.” —Mykel Bennett
“It takes a lifetime of experience and acquired knowledge to write a book such as Life Skills. You must also possess an understanding with the willingness to utilize the honest power of self. With that said, let me start at the beginning.
Most people who write books often do their research, compile their information and thoughts then write. This author, Mario Bayne, has lived his story thus enabling him to write about the journey. I was very fortunate enough to be there at the beginning, so I can validate the content of the book. The hard times, sorrows, and disappointment as well as the hard work and the ultimate successes. This is about an American success story. An immigrant family from Panama coming to a new country looking for a better way of life. What Mario learned during his journey to acquiring the American dream was to apply the old school values of hard work and determination taught by his mom, during his formative years. He realized that fulfilling his dream was not going to be easy, but with his vision of purpose, passion and visualization came the mindset to fulfill the dream. This book takes you along on that journey that many dare not embark upon. Mario had the courage and determination to accept life’s challenges and ultimately fulfill his dream. His success has made a positive impact and difference in thousands of young people’s lives. And he continues to help them realize the potential that they have within themselves to do even more.” —Glen Finney
“I have had the honor of knowing Mario for only about three months, and in that short amount of time he has already had a positive impact in my life. His selfless attitude and compassionate nature always bring a smile to my face. His series of books are seemingly simplistic yet incredibly powerful. I can’t begin to say how much I appreciate his message of self-accountability. Do yourself a favor and have them within arms-reach. They are a smooth read and also pack a serious punch. Thank you, Mario, for your friendship.” —Dr. Wes Schrimsher
Life Skills by Mario Bayne, with Kathryn Miller, is a brilliant piece of writing and compilation that could serve as a manual, a guide…a perfect road map for young (and old) people in their journey to achieve success! Where was this book when I was growing up? Still, I found you can teach this old dog new tricks, using it daily! Thank you, my friend! —Kevin McCabe